5 Replies

Drooling is a sign of teething. Other common symptoms include: - irritability or fussiness - gum swelling and sensitivity - gnawing or chewing behaviour - refusing food - sleep problems It is common for the first teeth to emerge between four and seven months old. So your baby could be teething. You can refer to this article for a lost of home remedies to help soothe your baby's teething pain: http://sg.theasianparent.com/10-home-remedies-for-teething-pain/

Yes drooling is one of the signs of teething. 5 months is not early, that's just right. My baby started teething at that month too so it's normal I believe. Nothing to be worried on excessive drooling just always prepare bibs.

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Hey. You find this article useful: https://sg.theasianparent.com/be-prepared-for-babys-teething-symptoms
