6 Replies

There are a few different types of cries that signify different needs. They are (taken from: http://sg.theasianparent.com/what-your-babys-cries-mean/): - A hungry baby’s cries will be rhythmic and repetitive. The cry will often be accompanied by sucking sounds, rooting or sucking on fingers or hands. Timing also plays a big part in a hungry cry. If your baby hasn’t eaten in 3 hours or so, chances are pretty good that he/she wants to eat. Dunstan baby language tells us to listen for ‘n’ sounds in a baby’s hungry cry. - A tired baby’s cry will start slowly and build in intensity. A tired baby will also rub their eyes, yawn and move around as if trying to keep themselves awake. The ‘ow’ sound is heard in a baby’s tired cry according to Dunstan. - A stressed baby will toss and turn while crying in a whiny sort of way. The cry is often described as fussy. They will turn away from the sounds or sights that are stressing them out. - The cry of a baby who is suffering from colic is persistent, loud and sharp. They will often draw their legs up in pain. The ‘eh’ sound, according to Dunstan’s language of babies, indicates a need to be burped or to be relieved of gas. - Sudden, intense, sharp cries that come suddenly indicate pain. This type of cry can also indicate extreme fear. - Whimpers and soft cries or whining are signs of not feeling well. They are sending the message of “I need some TLC”. A ‘heh’ sound indicates discomfort in Dunstan’s baby language. Regardless, always respond to your baby’s crying. Comforting your baby when he/she needs you will help settle and make your baby feel more secure. Every baby will have their own styles of whining and all, once you are able to decipher the different types of cries, you can better attend to his/her needs. It also makes for good “throwbacks” in future. My mummy told me that as a baby, I would go “aha aha” (rather then the typical sobbing expected of babies) when I needed her to comfort me.

VIP Member

hi, all kids have their own way of showing emotions, crying out loud could mean that ur baby is seeking for attention or throwing a tantrum and crying with tears is she is really scared/hurt or feeling sad..try and figure the reason behind these cries you know better..

VIP Member

Assuming your baby is a bit big enough,(around 18-24 months), I suppose crying out loud would just be because they are irritated or might be related to their stubbornness While on the other hand, Crying out with tears might be related to discomfort , hunger etc

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