My baby is 10 weeks now and he is still waking up every two hours or lesser for milk ( shorter in the day time ) . He drinks about 80- 100 ml each time . Is it too much ? How can I lengthen the feeding time and let him sleep more esp at night ?

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I lengthened my feeding time by introducing the pacifier. My baby is 13 weeks now and she drinks every 3.5 hours about 120ml. She also sleeps from 8.30-12, wakes for a night feed and sleeps till 6 or 7 these days. I attribute this to us introducing the concept of day and night for her. When it's daytime we switch on all the lights, feed her more frequently, carry her all the time and expose her yo a lot of noise. Where as when it hits 8pm, we wind down. Close the blinds, switch on aircon and keep the room very quiet. So she knows night time is to sleep and day time is to play.

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