My 3.5 months old girl drinks very little milk 3- 4 oz every 3 hrs and 24 oz in a day. The guideline on the milk states that by now she must be drinking 6 oz per feeding. I have tried changing teats, formula milk brand, different positions of feeding but still it's same. She dozes off after drinking 2 out of 4 oz and will just sleep until next feeding. Is this normal? Her weight is in the 10th percentile. Petite girl.

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My girl was drinking about the same amount at her age but on breastmilk. If you want to encourage her to drink more during the feeds, try not to let her sleep when she's drinking. So you can try talking to her (or singing if it doesn't make her drowsy). You can also make up for feeds by doing dreamfeeding so that she compensates for her milk during the night.

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Baby will know when they are full already. Some babies are naturally smaller drinker. If she fall asleep during feeding you can try to gently rub her ears to make her stay awake until finish milk feeding.
