My 20 month old is not eating since 2 days...all she wants is force feeding..pls advice

Could it be that she is teething? Some of my friends experienced the same around the same period of time and later found out that their babies were having their canines. However, if your daughter is just being picky about food, here are some suggestions you can try to help encourage her to try new food: You can try eating together as a family and having the same food as your toddle. When your child sees that you are having the same food, she will be more inclined to “copy” and join in. Praise her when she is willing to try something new. Make a big fuss out of it, she will likely enjoy the attention. Be enthusiastic about the food that you are feeding her. When he sees how much you are enjoying the food, she will be more motivated to try it as well. Make mealtimes relaxed and enjoyable. Arrange lunch/dinner dates with other children. When she sees her peers eating and enjoying the food, she will want to join in too. Try offering different finger food to help she learn about textures of various food. She will learn to have greater control over self-feeding and this may also make her more open to trying different food. Involve your daughter. During grocery shopping, get her to pick out things in the supermarket. When she is old (and stable) enough, ask her to help set up the dining table. These will help promote positive eating habits, and hopefully lead to less pickiness when it comes to eating. These are just a few I’ve picked from this article; you can take a look for more ideas:
Read moreI would advice you to find the reason behind her not eating. Is she showing signs of a cold, running a temperature, or is she biting everything and drooling profusely? If so she could either be teething or be catching a cold. Toddler appetites change so erratically it is hard for us parents to keep track. Don't force feed her, she may vomit or worse, choke on the food - especially if she's resisting so much.
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