My 10 month olds still has little hair. Should I keep calm and carry on hoping for hair?

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Awwww they are so precious! Okay back to the question haha. Maybe you can try olive oil (for hair, not the cooking kind)? I heard it's pretty good with stimulating baby's hair. When I was a baby, I didn't have a single strand of hair on my head at all till I was about 2.5 years. My grandma used this old school Indian hair oil from a company called M.B.R and apparently that did the trick.

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Cute little ones! Don't worry, my children had little hair when they were born n I put some baby oil each time after their bath n now, my toddlers have abundance of hair. They will grow more hair As they grow. Ur babies are considered having more hair than mine.

8y trước

Don't start the rapunzel talk. My daughter actually wants that length now. And we are going to the salon this weekend. ;)

The hair growth rate differs for every baby. I have a couple of friends whose babies took up to two years to get a full head of hair. Slowly but surely. And.. can I just say that your babies are so adorable! :)

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Hair growth are inherited. Don't worry, they will grow, you can try to apply a thin layer of olive oil before bath to encourage the hair growth.

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The faster way is keep shaving and shaving.