Why do we have confinment after giving birth it's because our body went thru a major changes and we lost alot of blood and nutrients. That is why we have confinement to heal our body. It's your choice to take care your body a not. To boost breastmilk you can try Fish lots of fish especially threadfin fish. Green Papaya fish soup. Oats biscuits. Barley. Drink lots of water. Keep latching and pumping to boost supply. Durians. Mummy a piece of advice to you, you must take care yourself well first in order to care for your kids.
Milk production depends largely on demand-supply rather than what you eat. Certain foods or supplements can give you a temporary boost but nothing is better than latching and pumping frequently. So don't worry about not being able to eat certain food and keep on latching! Of course try to have a balanced diet and stay hydrated so you can recover, but no need to be very strict about it as long as you eat adequately.
You can try legendairy supplements or fenugreek