Prenatal supplements

Muslim ladies out there what are supplements you took while TTC?

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Hi there, nothing.. Just eat healthily, I take in more nuts & veggies in my diet. Carefully chart my ovulation dates & work “overtime” during that week.. Sending you some baby dust over!!

3y trước

Any nuts. Cashew, pistachio, peanuts.. sunflower seeds

I went to the docs after ttc for a year and was prescribed Letrozole and alhamdulilah, in my third trimester now. sending baby dusts to you insyaallah!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Yes diet is important. Dont forget kurma, nuts, folic acid, fruits, milk.

i took folic acid and jamu jus mutyara. it was really effective. alhamdulillah

3y trước

How long did it take you to conceive? I’m on my second bottle of jus mutyara now

I took folic acid and nuts.

Thành viên VIP

I took fish oil and folic acid..

3y trước

Which brand of fish oil?

I took Isoduce and folic acid

3y trước

Pregnant can consume Isoduce?

Just folic acid.