25weeks 1st baby

Hi..Mumy to be skrg ni tgh flu..dh 2hri..Boleh tahan skt juga,bersin non stop bhingus n smpai beraik mata..Nk tdo pun xdpt..Any tips utk redakan flu msa preggy ni tanpa mkn any ubat?Hrp flu ni mkin ok je,sbb this wednesday nk pegi mnum air gula for 2nd time..Thanks mumy semua.☺️?

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drink alot of warm water.like alot.atleast 2litres.it takes about 3days to 1 week to heal.dont blow out ur flu because it can cause irritation and can cause ur blood vessel in ur nose to rupture so try spitting it out thru ur mouth.i know its gross but it helps.