How do you prepare for a second baby?

Hi mums. My firstborn is turning 18 months soon and my hubs and I have been thinking about having a second baby, but we’re both nervous about the prospect. I’ve been wondering, for those who have children close in age, how did you know when you are ready for a second baby? - what preparations did you make? Like, financially, mentally… even the sleeping arrangements, how did you settle that? My daughter is still breastfeeding but sleeps in her own cot. - any advice for us before we start trying for a second baby? Much appreciated, thank you!! #advicepls

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For me i am not young anymore and i didnt wanna have a baby after 35. But if fated i will just take it. Hb asked if i was ready for 2nd.. now i wonder too hahahaha. I sleep alone while my #1 sleeps wif my daughter. When im due, my daughter would be 2yrs3 mths! Not sure if too close.. financially i tink we still okay (hb is still paying for everyting n my job is just to work n spend on myself n mayb clothes for my LO). 😂

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