Contractions & Labour
Hi mummys, can you describe your feelings of contractions and when you went into labour?

For me, contractions is like menstrual cramps but ×100 more painful to a point I can't walk. It comes and go every 5 minutes. The pain gradually increases and that's when you know you need to go the hospital for labour. Once arrived at the hospital, the nurse will check how far diluted I am. I was 3cm diluted and hence, she warded me. Went straight to delivery ward. Was given a laughing gas but it doesn't work for me. I opt for epidural cause the pain was unbearable. With epidural, my contraction slows down and it took about 6 hrs before I was 10cm diluted and that's when the nurse asked me to start pushing. **not all mummy feels contraction. some indication that you are ready for labour is when your waterbag broke.**
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