GBS + (positive)

hi, would all mummy with experience of gbs , mind give some tips how to handle pregnancy with gbs? im still in trimester 1. so quite a shock to me. is it dangerous? #Needadvice #Tanya #kongsi_Pendapat #gbs #gbspositive

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Viết phản hồi

It is! Control your sugar intake, improve your personal hygiene (dont use feminine wash since it’s not recommended by medical practitioners), do sitz bath regularly & dont miss any meds prescribed by your obgyn

2mo trước

is it safe to do sitz bath? unfortunately i dnt get any meds regarding my gbs. and i also rarely took any sugarly drinks…

FYI GBS Ketika Hamil: Kenali Apa Itu GBS, Tanda Tanda GBS & Kesan GBS Pada Bayi Baru Lahir