Drinking Redbull

Hi Mummy's, I'm 26 weeks pregnant. I been so craving to drink redbull, and so I did. I drink once and that's it. Now I feel regret drinking it. Am I a bad mum? #pregnancy #pleasehelp #advicepls

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you are NOT a bad mum and pls don’t have such negative thinking.. baby sense mummy’s emotion. do check with your gynae if it’s okay to drink, who knows your gynae might said okay!

4y trước

I will ask my gynae on my next check up.. 😊 Thanks for your help... 😊😊

You’re not a bad mum just by drinking redbull! Don’t worry & think happy thoughts :)

Don't drink too much due to the caffeine in it too! It'll be fine!

I think its fine , just tat it contains a lot of sugar

4y trước

Yah, that's what my mum said. Just a one time craving.. Suddenly redbull why not bubble tea 😅😅