Experienced bad backpain?
Hi mummy's, Has anyone experienced a bad pain at 27 weeks? Pain when baby is moving, during walking, and when trying to poop? Normal GP is fine or Need to visit A&e?

Yes. I’m entering 27 weeks and currently feeling a lot of pain and pressure on the lower stomach. Could be your sleeping position. I have been trying a new sleeping position and it has helped me greatly. Sleeping on left side with another bolster supporting the back and using a small rolled up towel (I felt this is the best height as small pillows are too high and I usually wake up with pain on right side of the stomach) to support under your bump on the left side and use bolster, make sure knees are symmetrical and I try to sleep with back straight (not curved) and it has helped me greatly in relieving round ligament pains. Previously I have slept with no back support and bump support and had all the symptoms you listed above. Hope this helps.
Read moreyes it’s normal. the baby’s weight happens to be sitting on your nerves now. please don’t go a&e for this, it’s a normal and minor ailment. normal GP will suffice. do mention to your gynae too
Yes normal. I engaged prenatal massage