Need to know the total cost
Any mummy delivered at MENovena thur csec dont mind share the total coz of your final bill after deduction and medisave?

thank you for the reply, just give birth recently on 5th may at mount e.novena. my total bill cost is abt 16k, after sub cash is abt 12k. and baby is abt 1.6k. mummy and baby bill is separate. mine was elective csec, as i knew that i am scared to delivered normal. Actually was the best decision that i make, wast that bad. healing was fast... epidural wast that bad as some people said.... everything was smooth. ...
Read morei gave birth last October and my total cost is approximately 21k (11K charged to card and 10K medisave). i opted for natural delivery package (tried to induce but failed) so i ended up with emergency c sec, my body didn’t react to epidural so i got to be put under GA for my c sec. not sure if these are the reasons for my high bill. hope this information helps!
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