Fm Or Bm

Hi mummies, Recently there many same situation happen to my circle of friends. I am here to tell those not breastfeeding mum there's nothing wrong with you not breastfeeding. Don't let the society pressure breaks you down.. I'm a bf mother for 1 years. I just hope everyone can treat all mummies the same. Taking care of kids isnt easy at all. Everyone has their own limit of what they are capable of doing. Breastfeeding isn't a easy process. Some mummies out there might need to work to be able to feed the family and decided to stop bf. There is mummies out there who don't have milk for their kids or not enough that leads to give up. Mamy have their own reason why they don't want to bf. Dont judge them. Every mummy here is great be it fm or bm. You guys are really wonderful. Ignore those who made comment. You definitely have your own reason why you don't wanna bf. Don't need explain just do what you are comfortable with and you feel it's the best for you ?

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Super Mom

Agreed! 😊

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