2 Replies


No worry. Colic is a rite of passage for most parent including myself. my baby has colic for 2 weeks and its happen at the same hour everyday. We tried several colic bottle and finally Dr Brown anti colic bottle helps us. Beside the colic bottle. Do massage your baby tummy gently in a circular motion. The above only help to reduce the colic cries hrs every night. Most impt is patience with your baby and you will get thru it.

Colic happened to most babies and no explanation to it. You can try to swaddle, massage baby or cuddle your baby. Sway baby, talk to baby. Sometimes can also be stomach upset and if baby is on FM, try to use anti colic bottle. Usually it happened at night till morning for hours. So when will it stop depends on individual baby. My first child had colic for 6 hrs straight but I am glad that happened for only a day.

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