Currently subsidised route in NUH. When should I change to private?

Hi mummies! I’m worried about the expensive private costs. Any recommendation when is a good time for me to change to private NUH instead of subsidised? Ultimately I would like to stay in A class ward during delivery, and I know subsidised doesn’t allow for that. Thank you!

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It depends on which gynae you want, the popular ones would most prob be fully booked early. But i would suggest to do all the testings (NIPT, glucose, blood test, gwoth scan etc) under subsidized. Once youve hit 3rd trim can change so itll mostly just be consultations. And yes private every appt will have scans. Thats the good thing. I changed mine at 35 weeks as i actually just wanted A1 ward and good thing the gynae that i want is still available.

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6mo trước

hello! by any chance, do u remember how much the bill was for ward A1?