Going out with expressed milk

Hi mummies, How do you go shopping/ go out with your baby with expressed milk? Do you put a few packets of frozen breast milk in a cooler bag and thaw it when needed? Just thinking that it will be a hassle to thaw the milk when out. How do you do it? Thank you! #1stimemom #firstbaby

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Firstly plan how long you’ll be outside. Bring a cooler bag with ice packs/bricks and stash your frozen breastmilk, 1 or 2 packets/bottles depending on what you use. Usually with ice packs/bricks in cooler bag can last for many hours. Bring a thermal bottle that can keep super hot water. This is for when nursing rooms do not have water dispenser. Or you can’t find nursing rooms outside. Bring a cup to pour your hot water and thaw your frozen breastmilk. I observed the above done by many parents when I’m outside, something I would do if I’m not too lazy but most of the time I will latch on demand anytime, anywhere.

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