Hi, there is a topic covering some review on kinderland hougang https://community.theasianparent.com/q/parents-deciding-between-those-two-infantcare-anyone-stay-around-kovan-are/4093710?d=android&ct=q&share=true
Do try giving your baby FM sometimes before she goes to infant care so that she gets used to it. Separation anxiety and mum guilt is real! Be mentally prepared for it and Jia You! 👍
Hi!Did you send your LO to Kinderland at Hougang?I am sending my 4 month old to Acekidz at Hougang in Jan..Getting so worried:( But no choice as i am starting work...
hi mommy, how is kinderland kovan? i sending my 4 months baby in next month.
Hello, so far the teachers are nice and friendly! LO enjoys school, but still falls sick almost every month since she started putting things to her mouth. Their PR (public relations) skills (via whatsapp) not exactly good though. But I guess so long as LO is happy and well,tats all that matters!
Hi. can i check whats the fee for infant care at Kinderland Kovan??
before subsidies is 2160/month