Weight decreasing

Hi mummies. Am so worried why my weight keep on decreasing. First checkup my weight is 63.8kg. And then 2nd appointment 62.7kg. 3rd appointment 62kg. But so far my baby is ok. My next appointment in 2 weeks time. But im just worried about my baby inside. Few days ago i ate something that cause me having constipation. But after that im good. Its just im back to vomitting. Should i worry about anything? ☹

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Hello! I lost about 5/6kg initially and only started gaining weight slowly at 20 weeks when my nausea and vomiting were better. I gained a lot more in the 34 weeks onwards. Baby is healthy and well, gave birth last month. No worries, just continue eating and don't stress too much. 😉

Hi, u dun haf to worry much abt ur weight. what most important is that the baby on ur routine checkup is ok and you are eating well bcz during ur last trimester u may put on weight quite fast. jia you

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Ask your doctor. As long as baby’s weight is ok, should be fine. I am in 2nd trimester but gained less than 2 kg. But doctor said it doesn’t matter as baby is average weight 😄

My weight decreased for about 6kg in 1st trimester. So far my baby is growing well and active during scan. Once I stop vomiting, my weight starts to increase slowly in 2nd trimester.

Don’t worry. I lost about 5kg during my 1st trimester but I gain it back after I hit 2nd trimester. As long as baby is fine it’ll be all good

I lost wt around 5kgs during 1st trimester. I can't eat coz i keep on vomiting. Its okay, you will gain wt in the second tri.

Are u in your 2nd trimester ?

4y trước

yup im at 14 wks now. but been losing weight since 1st trimester.