2 Replies

Hi there! I’m currently pregnant with my second and have already made the decision to fully formula feed. With my first, I was so determined to bf but it took a toll on my mental health because my supply wasn’t that high. I posted a similar question and 2 kind mummies have shared that we can request for the hospital to give us meds that help to stop milk production. I’m also preparing myself for the judgement and endless questions of why formula and not bf? And all the questions that entails. Important thing is I don’t deprive my child of hunger and at the end of the day, I know I don’t want to go back to postnatal blues. Wishing you all the best in the upcoming days 💓

As hard as it can be, you don’t owe anyone any explanation. It’s sickening that people ask why don’t we bf. Like duh? Why don’t you just shut up 🙄 Tell your gynae that you have decided to go full fm, ask gynae to put a remark so that the other staff won’t keep asking you about it. It’s so annoying that we need to explain ourselves. Be STRONG! Show the resting bitch face when necessary 🤣

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