Formula fed all babies from birth
Hi mummies with more than 1 child and fully formula fed from birth, did you decide to fully fed baby with formula from birth, and even for your 2nd born? How did you prevent “milk production”? Did you not pump/latch from the start? Or would need to eat the medication to stop milk production after birth? Did you have any engorgement? I tried pumping for my first baby and couldnt take it mentally and physically so i stopped and took the medication. Altho im only few months PP, im already planning to only formula fed all my upcoming babies from birth. Is it a bad thing? I know i will definitely be judged heavily, especially from family members, friends and even relatives. And how do i answer when during hospital stay and medical checkups when nurses keep asking if youve tried latching baby etc. and they would always ask why you dont breastfeed your baby. How do you answer them. Thank you in advanced! #advicepls