Thomson Medical

Hi mummies who gave birth at TMC. I have a few questions I need help on. 1. Do I need to bring extra bb’s clothings, booties and mittens or it will be provided during bb’s stay? (Not discharge outfit) 2. Will basic toiletries be provided? (1 bedder. Toothpaste/Toothbrush.) Thank you!! #pleasehelp #advicepls #pregnancy

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1) during stay, hospital will give your baby clothes to wear and a swaddle. If you want to change the outfit for your baby during discharge, you will definitely need to bring an extra set. The clothes that the hospital provide you can bring it back home as well. 2) toiletries will be provided.

Super Mom

Baby will just need discharge clothes. Hospital will provide clothes during the stay. 👍

Basic toiletries will be provided.. bring a set of clothes for baby to wear back home..

Thank you mummies for the replies :)!