87 Replies
I didn’t. I drank red dates tea only. But no complains though, since it’s sweet
Cannot drink plain water. But I secretly took warm water maybe just 1 glass a day.
Yes, a bit only. If you follow the rules strictly, only can drink red dates tea.
Warm water.. lots of red date tea. If water retention can take red bean soup..
Yes. I drink plain water. It’s important for the production of breast milk.
long and red dates W ginger, my mom said plain water will got wind no good.
Try not to unless you are taking medication or if need to, drink warm one...
Yes of course. Staying hydrated is also important for breast milk production
Of course. Plain water is always good to hydrate body and flush out toxins
I would say 95% of the time I took red dates tea then 5% was warm water.