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The first 2 weeks for me was erratic, chaotic, I hardly remembered having any routine as it was really all day breastfeeding cz my baby would cry every time he unlatched to change diaper or if I need to go to the toilet. I had csect so couldnt even have massage the first 2 weeks, super achy all over. Honestly I had postnatal blues cz it was so overwhelming even with full support frm my mom and hubby. Only ard 1 month tt there's routine, when baby could sleep when unlatched. So it's change diapers, tummy time, breastfeed, baby naps for 1-3 hours and while he napped, I pump, wash pump parts, eat or shower, baby wakes up change diaper again and the cycle continues. Interaction happens while doing things for baby like changing diaper, bath time, tummy time and breastfeeding. When baby was 2 mths, I wld sneak in some reading/music time with baby before his feeds. Different babies have different needs so count yourself lucky if u cld sleep a solid 3 hours in the first month.

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