1st trimester
Hi mummies, what do you all do when you are feeling constipated? I feel so constipated. Was originally constipated since young. But after finding out I am pregnant, even more constipated. Fruits, water and pro biotic don't help 😪 have not seen my gynae for 1st ultrasound yet.

Was given a stool softener syrup by gynae when I was badly constipated in 2nd trimester. It did work. But I was worried about reliant on such medication. I subsequently found that drinking two bottles of vitagen works wonder and is a healthier version than medical laxative. Prunes didn't work for me. Maybe u can try the food options first. Hope this reply is useful for other mummies. Comstipation is common during pregnancy.
Read moreIm same as u. Pre-preg alr v constipated situation. For me im lactose intolerant so drinking milk stuffs like milo and 3in1 coffee (once a day, limit) so drinking these makes me run. My gf also another major constipator lol. Prune juice, bananas dont work for her. Only lady’s fingers. Maybe u can try that :)
Read moreHi, is it normal to feel constipated during early stage of pregnancy? I'm in my 6th week and have not seen my gynae yet even though an appt is coming up. Have been having loose stools instead, can't help but to feel worried that I'm not experiencing the 'usual' symptoms like other mummies-to-be.
Gynae says don’t take milk or diary products which will make worsened constipation. Take soy milk or alternatives. I was issued with probiotics. Best to check with Gynae on which type of probiotics are suitable for preggies.
Am in 7th week and have bad constipation since 5th week. My gyane gave me duphalac syrup and it's a bit better now. Check with ur gyane too.
Can try psyllium husk it helps for me. I mix it with prune juice
tell your gynae . they will give some syrup to help witj the constipation.
You might want to find out about Spinning Babies. Hope this helps :)
Try yellow dragon fruits! They worked for my friend :)
Dragon fruit and orange worked very well for me.