konny baby carrier

Any mummies wearing this? I saw the review, mostly seems frustrated due to wrong size eventhough they had checked and followed the size chart. And to exchange it, kind of tedious. Im plus size, and it look like it is easy to wear and comfy but afraid for wrong sizes too.

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Yup i had to buy it twice cus the first one i bought was size s (they said to base it to our pre-pregnancy size), but i still havent shed my pregnancy weight so it was too tight on me. Was quote disappointed actually cus i should have just taken m in the first place. So bought it again in size m, fits me so much better. Thats the downside of konny i guess, the sizing.

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5y trước

Cant remember exactly, its abt 70ish in sgd. They will convert the price for upon checkout.

Thành viên VIP

I’m used konny since lo is 2 weeks old. Yes the sizing is very messed up. I bought 2, one S and one M. As the size chart says I should take S due to my pre pregnancy weight. But I have broad shoulders as I was a swimmer. Hence I bought both sizes to try. And sold the smaller one away

5y trước

How much u bought it in SGD? If im.not wrong on their website is in USD.

Influencer của TAP

Me it's super good! I got it only after I give birth as our size changes. Got S but baby too big size very tight bought another M size. It was just right until after 6 month. I manage to slim back to pre pregnancy size it become abit loose for me.

5y trước

Awesome that u manage to get your pre pregnancy body back! Can i know much is it in SGD, if you dont mind sharing?

Thành viên VIP

I bought M size based on their recommended size chart. It’s a bit small and tight but it’s still ok. I would have bought L on hindsight. If you intend to buy, you can consider the summer mesh version. It’s better for SG weather.

5y trước

How much do u buy it in SGD? I think on their website is USD right?

Super Mom

The size worked for me. And yes, it's really to use esp when i need my hands free

5y trước

How much you bought it in SGD? The website I think is in USD.