cracked nipples

Hi mummies, any ways i can heal my cracked nipples other than nursing butter cream and breastmilk? My nipples kept cracking bigger, and i am worried my milk will have blood in it.

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I preferred using own breast milk as personally I find creams quite oily and idk what are they really made of. After many trials and errors, I then realised breast pump flanges have different sizes and finding the right size helps in the suction.

Super Mom

Try applying your own breast milk. Try other nursing positions that hurt less, otherwise pump or hamd express the injured side

4y trước

I pumped and it seems to be cracking even more, I stopped breastfeed for a while as it is very painful for me.

I used medela nipple cream but apply only a thin layer

try coconut oil, or breast milk

Thành viên VIP

Try using Gold cream by Ardo.

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Use ur own BM to apply over.

4y trước

Oops. I guess boys drink more. But I heard girls are fierce during latching. But Don't worry. Our boobs shall prevail! J

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Medela nipple cream

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Breasmilk ☺️