Induce labour

Hi mummies, just wanted to ask if any of you have any experience with induce labour? My doc planning to induce me at 38 weeks due to my GDM. So I was wondering if anyone can prep me and share with me the process of inducing labour and if its more painful than natural birth hehehe thank you! #firstbaby #pleasehelp

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Induction for me was inserting a pill into the vagina which on its own isn’t painful. After 4cm the dilation is pretty quick so the contractions can be quite intense, especially if your water bag needs to be broken by the gynae. But there’s always epidural to cope with the pain. Always ask for epidural before breaking your water bag!

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3y trước

was trying to see if I can avoid taking epi! hehehe how is the process of waterbag bursting by gynae? he inserts something from the vagina too?