maintenance money

Hi mummies...just want to ask ,how much ur husband give u the monthly allowance( especially for muslim)?

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None? Because I'm working too. Gender equality haha although he does pamper me 🤭

No allowances from him as I’m working too. But he pays for everything else.

Super Mom

Nothing as I am working. But he pay for everything whenever we go out.

Hi.. i'm given $100 monthly by him. I am working full time as well.

My husband give $300 per month mainly for groceries and food.

Around 200-300 for household needs, though I’m working.

I am a working mum, so my husband doesn't give me an allowance

5y trước

My husband will never give unless u asks.

My hub nv give me unless i ask 😅

Nothing as I'm working too..

Super Mom

Depends on his financials?