Difficulty eating pills
Any mummies unable to swallow pills/tablets/capsules? I’m unable to swallow the multi-vitamins obimin prescribed by my gynae, have been taking pregnancy milk as replacement. Any other suggestions? #help
Any mummies unable to swallow pills/tablets/capsules? I’m unable to swallow the multi-vitamins obimin prescribed by my gynae, have been taking pregnancy milk as replacement. Any other suggestions? #help
I've always had difficulty swallowing any tablets since young so what I did is drink some water, held it in my mouth then popped in the tablets and swallow with the water together. I'm still doing it today.
I have this difficulty too until I found the most ideal way - cut the pill into half and eat it with banana and lots of water. Somehow the banana taste can cover the obimin taste!
Pregnancy milk is OK, you can also take prenatal gummies instead, should be easier to eat :) you can find on iherb
Can get those pill cutter from pharmacy, cut into smaller size that is easy to swallow.
you can cut it or have the multivitamin that's chewable or gummies
Hi, any particular brand? Gynae ok with it?
I have the same problem too. I’m having gummies instead.
Any recommendations?