baby size

Hi mummies! Today i went for my baby appointment and sadly my baby size is small...which is 1.6kg but for what i know i been eating very well and im starting to get worried... Have any mummies face this problem too? I need advice :(

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Thành viên VIP

Don't worry. Different baby is unique and different as long as it's healthy

Super Mom

Don't worry. Just eat avocado and drink maternal milk. That's what I did.

Thành viên VIP

Not to worry. My baby was 1.16kg and 1 month later, it become 2.4kg

U can drink maternity milk. Eat more durian and avocado

Super Mom

Eating avocado is healthy and boost up baby’s weight

Milk. Avocado milkshake and durians all helps

Maternal milk and durian helps!

Thành viên VIP

eat more durian

Thành viên VIP

Don't worry. You should ask the gynae for further advice though...