5 Replies

just bring it along & give it a try. i was at the hosp for a night after delivering in the morning, took the pain killers they gave me just for ease of mind. when i got home the next day, i started using my spray. it feels a lil bit cooling and i continued to use up till a month.

Apparently for me, i have to take pain killers like panadol for the pain which the nurses will provide. I do have the spray but pain killers are better 😊you could use the spray when you have discharge and recovering at home.

I did bring along my earth mama spray but I didn’t like it, it didn’t relieve my pain for me even tho I kept mine in the fridge.

I brought my perineal spray along but they also provided the spray at TMC!

i didnt use any. just use wet tissue to clean lightly after birth

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