breastfeeding nb

Any mummies stop breastfeeding after trying a few days? Baby able to latch but my nipples were so sore n painful, plus low milk supply. Switch to formula n baby was able to drink well (20ml each fed). Will it be enough?

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hi mummy, u can try pumping instead! i’m exclusively pumping now, i intended to breastfeed from before baby was born. end up baby refused to latch properly even after LC tried to help, she only can latch properly every now & then but only for maybe 5mins max & my nipples hurt like hell. due to improper latch she wasn’t getting much milk & was constantly hungry af so during my hospital stay i let the nurses cup feed her a few times & still tried latching despite my sore nipples. day 2 night i was discharged & when i reached home baby was hungry again, this time she completely refused to latch on for more than 1min because she was so hungry and couldn’t get much milk out so i had to supplement with formula for that night and almost the whole of next day, that night i started pumping & i saw blood(cracked nips) mixed with colostrum which i dumped :( , second pump i got 6mls which i syringe fed her, continued pumping every 3-6hrs(i was very inconsistent?) & was producing enough to feed her by day 3 & on day 4(milk came in!) due to my inconsistency i woke up with rock hard breasts & swollen lymph nodes on both my armpits, swore to pump frequently after that and the problem went away. everybody’s breastfeeding journey is different, pumping is still breastfeeding!

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