Breastfeeding Woes

Hi Mummies, since the start of my breastfeeding journey, i realised that my milk output for my right boob is 50% lesser than my right boob. Currently am pumping 80 ml on left and 40 ml or lesser on right and its not even enough to sustain 1 feed for my LO. any advice on how to increase milk supply? i’ve read tons of thread here, tried lactation cookies, fenugreek, oats, dates milk and even powerpumped for a good 3 weeks but still milk supply is stagnant.. any mums out there faced the same issue and managed to overcome it? my LO is 1.5 months now and his demand of milk is sometimes hard to keep up to. am currently supplementing with FM but hoping that milk supply is able to keep up to his needs. any advice? tyia

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Don't give up. just hang in there. I had the same issue. I gave formula+breastmilk to my little one