hi mummies, can share how u manage with 2 young toddlers without helper? felt so tired after wk..!!

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Getting your hubby to help. Split the tasks and come up with a workable routine. This is what worked for my friend: Back from work, she will heat up the food while her hubby bathes their two boys. Once out of their baths, the boys will go to mummy for dinner while daddy takes his own bath. After that, daddy has his dinner while looking after the children, mummy's shower. After shower, mummy and daddy both spend some time with children (mummy also tries to have her dinner at the same time). Mummy puts children to bed while daddy do the cleaning up and stuff. That's their typical weekday evenings. Tiring still, but at least not as bad as having to do everything by herself.

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Teamwork between husband and wife is key to taking care of the family without extra help. That being said, whatever extra help you can get from family and friends should be appreciated. If your parents and in laws offer to take care of your kids for a day or even a few hours, say yes. You can use the time to catch up on sleep and hang out with your husband. Enjoy it while it lasts!

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