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Our Prophet (PBUH) said in one of his Hadith, “Allah has waived half of the prayer for the traveller, pregnant women and the sick.” Check it out in sunnah.com Please don’t memudaratkan diri, fast half day of you want. Listen to your body and not anyone. Make sure you eat enough during Sahur to last till you break your fast. That is if you want to fast. Remember there are millions of other pregnant Muslim mothers observing fast, half or full day every other day not only during Ramadhan. Some even in extreme cold or hot countries with little to no food at all. Whatever happens, belajar terima Qadha dan Qadr Maha Pencipta. Good luck!

I suggest just stop with that idea.. Have u read the article that this women fast and the baby inside her womb died? If im not wrong she is 8 month pregnant.. And the other women she's 5months pregnant.. Both baby died becos the mum fast and dont care regards of the baby. Pls pity the baby if u doesn care about yourself..

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