4 Replies

Stay positive mummy!!!! I experience something like you... my MC was in 2019 Aug bb didn’t develop at week 5.. In Oct 2019 we found out that I’m 6 weeks pregnant. We treasure this life in me and we choose not to do OSCAR scan.... be positive as during my pregnancy I have a few occasion of massive bleeding for no reason... I visited gynae every bleed occasion and follow my gynae instruction.. Now my bb boy is 5 months old growing well, healthy and playful

Thanks babe for sharing! May I know why you decided not to take any test? Is it you don't wish to stress yourself and accept any outcome?

Stay positive and don't think too much, enjoy the moment of your pregnancy..best to do is to keep you monitored by your OB and eat healthy food. BTw, currently 33 weeks preggy.. I had miscarriage and ectopic 3 years ago. Your baby will be healthy..😊

don't worry , you will have a healthy baby. always be happy, eat healthy, I went through a miscarriage due to same reason. i got pregnant after 3 months of that again i had healthy son.

Stay strong and positive mummy!!

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