Is delivery at MT A expensive? As compared to NUH private?

Hello mummies, it’s my second pregnancy. I delivered at NUH private with epidural. Ward A cash payout was 3k ish, almost 3 years back. The rest is deducted from Medisave. Is the price similar to delivery at MT A? Any gynae recommendation? Dr John?

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I believe it would be. I was looking at the hosp package between mount e novena and mount a. The most exp room in mount a is still cheaper than mt e novena single rm. i noe few yrs back my cousin was under nuh private. The amt she paid was like less than half of what i paid at pte hosp 🥲

2y trước

Thanks for sharing! Guess NUH private will be a cheaper alternative then!

i assumed be it private hospital or goverment hospital for private delivery their procudures all the same one. all roughly 3k above.

2y trước

Thinking if the differences not big might as well go for private haha. Thanks for sharing!