Wearable breast pumps

Hi mummies, any recommendations for wearable breast pumps, please? I see mixed reviews for Imani i2, not sure if it lasts? Appreciate your sharing. Thank u!

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I've been using the one my husband bought. not branded. But I think it works well. I am now pumping while doing other things. Like washing, playing with my number 2. doing some household chores. etc. https://shopee.sg/product/135054160/5054719900?smtt=0.3764833-1624948378.9

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My friends all recommended baby express be free! Maybe you can read up more ◡̈ they have a working mama bundle now also, quite worth it. Comes with uv steriliser bag https://welovesupermom.com/products/259-WMBU01-SM-Working-Mama-Bundle

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There's an SG brand called 'Be Mine'. Also wearable like Imani. Not sure of the suction but the reviews so far so good. My guess is it will be quite the same as Imani since it has no tubes & you can't see how much milk you've pumped.

4y trước

Will check it out. thank u!

Not sure if this helps. Cause u saw u mentioned u have 2 pumps already. U can buy those handsfree spectra. There will still be tubes larh. But just another option if u don’t want to spend more on pumps

Sorry I am not helpful... But I'm using pigeon with one bottle. Maybe I'll recommend you to buy breast pumps with 2 bottles. 😬

4y trước

hi hi, no worries. haha... i actually have 2 pumps at home already. but thought a wearable 1 will.be more helpful when i attend meetings. plus my bb is starting to pull the tubes when i pump around him. hahaha

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