Kkh labour

Hi any mummies here just recently gave birth at kkh but under A1 or B1? How much roughly do u need to pay for all the charges. I know the deposit part but im not sure about the total cost after the delivery. #1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls #pleasehelp

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i gave birth last yr around march under A1. i don't think there will be much of a price change. anyway, the overall after discharge i had to pay around 700-800 plus. this is the total cost for both the baby and myself. i took epidural once and stayed at the hospital for 1 night after giving birth. the bill will be posted few weeks after discharge. once you receive the bill, that's when you need to pay. you do not need to settle any payment during discharge.

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4y trước

no i wasn't warded prior. had contractions at 37 weeks and went straight to a&e and then they bring me to the delivery suite. at the delivery suite counter, they'll ask how many bedder i want and any specific doc. told them I want 1bedder (A1) and female doc. since mine was last min they did told me that female doc not guaranteed cause depends on the available doc on duty. After i enter the delivery suite, they check how many cm opening. i was told it was 3cm opening so they warded me straight for delivery. while they set me up at the delivery suite, my partner settled the payment. 2.5k with medisave and an additional 2.2k by cash. my labour was around 12hrs after I took epidural. can be faster la if i didn't take but i couldn't bear the pain. hahah. after delivery then I'm being brought to the ward. that was around 8am. so the 700-800 is being. divided into 2 bills. one billed under my name for the amount 300plus. this is for all the medications that was given to me during my stay, du

Me. I just gave birth at KKH under A1. I paid deposit about $3K (including baby nursery since I have twins). If you want to check their deposit, do head to their info counter and check it out.