5 Replies

I’ve tried r&f, it’s not as good as I expected because I feel like the area of absorption is narrower than other nappies for the pant version. Leaked for me because the nappy got just a little slanted as my LO moved quite a bit. I tried naturemade samples, seems quite plush and absorbs well. Not cheap but I like it.

if diaper rash is an issue then might be helpful to use dry tissue to tap dry the area before putting on a new diaper? since you change diaper very frequently. i find huggies nature made pants quite good for nights esp if LO sleeps through. you might be surprised that fairprice diapers fare quite well too.

For diaper rash you can try use aloe vera those big tub use for face kind. We tried all kinds of diaper cream and change diaper but didn’t work. Aloe Vera is amazing

Nino nana is amazing! tried offspring, Huggies, bambo and drypers. all had leakages. Nino nana has been great since she used it at 3 months till now 1yo!

Maybe you can consider Huggies nature made pants? A lot of hospitals are using this for newborn too.

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