Do you pantang after giving birth?

Hi mummies. This question is especially for the Malay mummies. Do you pantang after giving birth? I just gave birth a week ago via c section and currently I don’t follow the pantang rules so much. I only watch what I eat (ate confinement food) and of course just ensure that I don’t do heavy housework or carry heavy things and all. I also wear the binder to keep my incision in place. That’s all. I don’t wear socks and jacket as it’s already so hot at home. I don’t use that creamy paste thing to smear on the forehead nor on tummy like our mothers and grandmothers do during the olden days. I’m an educated and smart woman who knows science and logic. Sometimes all these pantang rules are just a hassle and frankly, they may add to our baby blues/ postpartum depression. Like, cannot do this, cannot do that. Just wondering if there are mummies who don’t pantang at all.

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I nvr do pantang at all for my first 3 birth .. 2010,2012,2014 what I experience always tired my migraine , no energetic , muscles or ache pains everywhere . can't stand to coldness or else will shiver . also ur emotional health are haywire... yes I was diagnosed with postpartum depression also . u feel like ur in the 40 yr old body even tough ur 20yr younger then that. pantang for you physically &mentally . just do the postnatal massage , herbal bath. steaming miss V . wear socks it will be enough .. if u want to go out bfore confinement days should be no issue if u have no dizzy spell or fatigue.

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I had natural birth and i did follow some of it.. i did apply the pilis on the head cos it did helped to relieve some of the headache..actually it’s up to you cos it’s your body anyway. But like my mum advised me, sometimes now when we r young we feel ok, but years down the road, den we will know why pantang is important. Do what u think is right for you. Good luck ??

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