Enfamil Pro A+ Stage 1 and Stage 2

Hi mummies out there, I am currently feeding my 5 mths old child stage 1 (0-12mths) and was thinking after 6 mths, should I change to stage 2 (6mths onwards) ? Or stick to stage 1 all the way until 12mths? Cos the tin stated the mths ranges, but I’m unsure what is the best or preferred.. first child here. #1stimemom #pleasehelp #firstbaby

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Stick to stage 1. Stage 1 formula are actually better than in terms of nutrients. You can also continue feeding stage 1 after the age of 1. This is because kids below 1, milk is their primary food whereas after 1, solids should be their primary food, milk secondary.

3y trước

After age of 1 you can choose to continue giving stage 1 or start fresh/cow milk.