1 Replies

congrats you must be a ftm. it can get really tiring because you never know how long your baby will take to drink, and if you need to pump after baby’s feed (need extra bottles and more time to set up and store milk). or if baby poops and you need to clean up, need even more time within each 3h window. it may not seem tedious now but a lot of things can happen in between that makes you feel like there’s not enough time 😂 and you end up sacrificing your own meal/toilet time. i was gifted a few bottles and got some free samples so i would recommend getting at least 6 bottles for a day for feeding and 4 for pumping (2 each time) if you can afford it, so you can rotate them and won’t have to spend so much time washing. We use a bottle brush, pureen cleansing liquid and steam sterilizer.

Yes it’s important to keep milk warm if baby takes awhile to drink. can just get second hand for this

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