baby fighting to sleep
Hi mummies any one out there having baby that fight to sleep? Im having 3months baby that is always fighting to sleep. I can see he is already sleepy but still try hard not to sleep and will cry murder. Already take note his diapers milk and everything is ok. Adjust the room temperature and noise level but still the same. Will everything change back to normal cause he is not like this when in newborn stage.Why is that so?? I need HELP!!!

my baby gg 3months and also like this during the day. she will fight all her might to stay awake. when we try to force her to sleep, will cry murder 🤦🏻♀️ so what we did was let her be awake at her own timing. if she dowan to sleep, we'll play with her.once we see her fighting her eyes, we will slow down the play and get ready the swaddle and milk (if its her feeding time) etc once she cry, swaddle right away and feed her. there are times once she fall asleep, she'll wake up again after 5mins crying murder , wanting to play again. so the process repeats. though the day is very very tiring for us, at night is quite easy. by the time its bedtime (i start sleep train for her to sleep at 8pm every night as she can differentiate dayn night), shes alr so tired sleeps well. just more clingy at times. so i just dream feed her and change her diapers once or twice at night, without her being awake even. at this age, they get more awake period and sleep longer at night. jiayou mummy.
Read moreYeah it’s been my journey for the past 5 months. He was worst at 2 months, but got a bit better at 3 months. Now 5mo still fighting but we r used to it, no longer stressed out by his cries, just persist in pacifying him, carry and rock. There will be a time when he will eventually tire out and suddenly droop his eyes and fall asleep. He does continue to wake up after 20min. But we just try to put him back to sleep again or if he’s really wide awake then we just let him play and put him back to sleep again when he’s tired. Tried to stick to a routine but too stressful if baby really cannot do routine. So just do whatever works
Read moreOk thk u for the advice.
Sounds like your little one may be going through sleep regression. It does not commonly happen at 3 months and it is usually at 4 months but that is not to say it can't. Right now he is exploring the world so he wants to see everything. Going through it now so I feel you. I usually keep my baby very full and really keep note of her sleepy signs. As soon as my fiancé or family cannot carry her without making noise, I will feed her, rock her to get her sleepy then comfort nurse her to bed. It is mainly trial and error and see whatever works. Hang in there dear!! You got this!!
Read moreThank you for the advise. Will google more about sleep regression.
It's normal. Our baby girl is 3 months+ old and also often struggle to sleep. Everytime want to put her to sleep surely bound to have some cries and frustration. Try Pacifier also, it does help to calm baby down. Also make sure the room or environment is cooling, clean and comfortable and not hot or warm, no TV, no radio nor loud noise. If baby still cry, just continue to hug baby close to your heart, continuous pat and pacify baby. Eventually baby will get used to it and feel secure in your hugging. Hang in there! 👪
Read moreYes he use pacifier too. Thk you for sharing your experience
Yes this happens a lot, even now at 15 months it still happens once in a while. It could be because baby is overtired, you can try looking for signs like yawning, head bobbing, ear or hair pulling before baby gets too tired and cranky and would be more difficult to put to sleep then
Yes i did look for all the sign. After about 1hr play time he will yawn n straight pat him to sleep but still struggling. Thought he still wanna play and let him play for a while more but ended up more difficult to put him to sleep.
Same as mine, but he wanted to be hold really tight. Currently 2 months old, day time especially he only sleep when being hold up and face in to carrier, we were worried that he would suffocate but thankfully he is OK.
Oohh okay. My boy extremely fussy. Everything just not rite for him. He will keep on crying till he is tired and close his eyes. Even put him yaolan swing doesn't make him sleep. He will still cry. Hope this will end soon. Thk u everybody for sharing
You can try use a carrier to coax your baby to sleep.
He doesn't like it too
Mumsy of 3 sunny magician