12 Replies

yes it's perfectly normal to lose weight in first trimester cos of all the morning sickness and puking

I lost 5kg during first trimester due to morning sickness and gained back during the second trimester.

Normal. Especially if you have morning sickness. But not gaining weight in the 1st tri is ok & normal

totally normal, prob coz your morning sickness is preventing you from gaining weight too

I had morning sickness too. in fact lost about 3kg during first trimester


I lost 5kg 1st trimester. I gain 22kg throughout 36 weeks pregnancy

Normal. In fact I didn’t gain any weight throughout pregnancy.

It’s normal. Only started gaining from 2nd tri

VIP Member

totally normal! esp the first trimester

VIP Member

Yup. Me too 🙆🏻‍♀️

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