6 month old baby girl

Hi mummies, need tip how to get baby to drink more? My baby girl only drinks 720ml total in a day despite recommended milk intake that depends on her weight. Even when we push her to drink she will tend to vomit it out or wont drink at all, and she sleeps thru the night. And due to this milk intake, sometimes she gets constipated. Currently she drinking karihome stage 1.

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Might want to change milk? Constipated might be due to the formula brand. And from what my baby’s paediatrician say the calculation for baby’s milk intake according to their weight is just a rough gauge, doesnt mean all baby can take in that amount. My baby also consuming lesser as when we follow the calculation, he tend to vomit alot of milk. Which means his stomach not able to take in too much

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7mo trước

noted thankyou mummy