3 Replies

VIP Member

Some babies and children feels more comfortable sleeping on their tummy...if that is what your baby prefers than let him but you just need to check in on him often just to be sure he is ok and there is no obstruction...keep the pillows and bolsters away...I never really sleep anyway eversince becoming a mum...I am always checking if my son is breathing ok and he is 12 years old...but thats just me, lol

Thanks! My LO rolls over but he don’t know how to sleep on his tummy. Wanted to do sleep training for him so that he can self soothe to sleep. Will benefit him and mummy too. Does your LO scream and yell and cry non stop in the middle of his sleep?

Super Mum

My 8mo has been sleeping in the prone position ever since she can roll over. We just let her be and would check if her airways is blocked from time to time. We're not a fan of sleep training, so we just follow baby's cue. She still doesnt sleep through the night - feeds every 2-3 hours. She still fusses when we put her down to sleep.

Yes she still cries middle of the night, sometimes unconsolable. I breastfeed her so I'd just let her comfort latch to go back to sleep

I am in the exact same situation as you right now! how did you resolve it in the end? hope your son is doing well at 1 yr old!

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